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    The best way to get to know someone is by reading their background. 
    I was born in Lafayette, Indiana in 1958 (Yes, that's 39).    I used to think that 39 was old, but time has a way of just slipping by. 

    When I was about 3years old, we moved to Tallahassee, Florida, and lived there for about 4 years. My father who was half Seminole Indian, died when I was seven. My father died due to a cerebral aneurysm. His death made me realize that life is not always fair. After my father died, we returned to Lafayette to be closer to my grandparents.

    In 1976, my grandfather passed away with lung cancer. What I admired most about him, was his humor. He never let anything get him down. He had tremendous courage. He was a very big, strong man. His death made me realize how fragile life really is

    In 1984, my sister died from thymus cancer. It never occurred to me that death would claim one so young. At least not one in my family. I remember my sister for her boldness and strength. She faced death with so much courage. I'm not sure that I could have faced it the way in which she did. I think about her often. She left behind four children. Although they were not really old enough to understand what was happening, they still miss her greatly. Her death made me realize how precious life is. I still have a hard time coping with her death. 

    On June 1, 1997, my mother lost her battle to lung cancer. Next to my husband, my mother was my best friend. In fact, she was my dearest friend. We had been through a lot together. Her death has made me realize how uncertain life is. No matter how much you try to prepare yourself for the death of a loved one, it is still a shock when they die. I know that I will never get over this loss. 

    In addition to these losses, my family has had to grieve for the loss of lives that never had a chance to be.  My oldest daughter and son-in-law have lost four pregnancies (three first trimester, and one second trimester). The last loss was a little boy - he was born to early to live. 

    When death touches your family, it has a way of influencing you. What matters most, is how you react to it. If it were not for God, I know that I would not have been able to cope with the things that have happened in my life. My personal losses have brought me closer to God. It has also changed the way that I look at life. I try to focus more on the things that matter the most, and forget about the trivial things. I now take one day at a time. 

    Although I have had a lot of losses in my life, God has blessed me and given me so much.  I have a wonderful husband, three beautiful daughters, a wonderful son-in-law, and two beautiful step-children.  Recently, God blessed me with a new grandson! 

    Take the time to tell your loved ones how much you care about them. There is no guarantee of tomorrow. Spend each day - as if it were your last. It may very well be...